Our Latest Progress

Below is a "quick access" listing of the latest project(s) we're currently working on.  This area gets updated fairly regularly, so please check back often to see what we've been up to!

Since all but one piece of the original Crown Moulding was rotted away, I had to […]
Now, back to the light yellow (Vanilla Cream) to clean up around the dark purple (Eggplant)… […]
The final color to go on the third panel is the dark purple (Eggplant)… The first […]
The first color to go on the third panel is the light yellow (Vanilla Cream)… The […]
Caulk was applied to some problem areas to try and help keep water and air from […]
Finally, some cooler weather, so it’s back to scraping… Third panel, finally finished scraping…
Despite the heat and humidity, a little more progress was made today…
Scraping continues… A little more progress made. It’s really hot right now, due to a heat […]