The first color to go on is the dark green (Woodford)…
The first coat of the dark green (Woodford), completed…
Using my oscillating saw to cut the Decorative Shingles…
Detail of the area that was cut in the Decorative Shingles…
Test fitting a scrap piece of Crown Moulding. Looks like it fits fine…
The second coat of the dark green (Woodford), completed…
The next color to go on is the dark purple (Eggplant)…
The first coat of the dark purple (Eggplant), completed…
The second coat of the dark purple (Eggplant), completed…
Here are the fourth and fifth pieces, installed…
This part of the Old Tin Roof has some damage…
I’m going to attempt to repair it with a small patch…
The patch, cut and bent into shape…
The patch, installed. It will fit a lot better once I permanently attach the roof edge to the Crown Moulding…
Now it’s time to finish up all of the seams with some caulk…
All of the seams and nail heads sealed with caulk…
The caulk is now dry, so it’s time to touch up the dark green (Woodford)…
All of the dark green (Woodford), touched up…
Next, it’s time to touch up the dark purple (Eggplant)…
All of the dark purple (Eggplant), touched up…
And, finally, it’s time to touch up the light green (Northwest Trail)…
All of the light green (Northwest Trail), touched up. All that’s now left is the Roof, which will be another project…
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